{{product.title}} {{(product.price | customCurrency)}}
{{(basket.prices.totalPrice | customCurrency)}}{{getBasketItemCount(basket.items)}}
{{basketItem.quantity}}x {{basketItem.product.title}}
{{ $index > 0 ? ', ' : '' }}{{ isColorParameter(parameter) ? getColorText(parameter) : '' }}{{ !isColorParameter(parameter) ? parameter : '' }}
{{(getProductPrice(basketItem) | customCurrency)}}
{{(additiveServiceWithPrice.price | customCurrency)}}
-{{(basket.prices.totalDiscountPrice | customCurrency)}}

Farm Fresh Farm Fresh

Seznam je omezen pomocí filtrů {{selectedFilters}}. vypnout filtr
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Farm Fresh - salmon & herring with peas & cranberries 750 g

Farm Fresh -  salmon & herring with peas & cranberries 750 g
78 Kč 67,83 Kč bez DPH

Vysoce kvalitní lososové a sleďové maso s hráškem a brusinkami

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh - salmon & herring with peas & cranberries 375 g

Farm Fresh -  salmon & herring with peas & cranberries 375 g
51 Kč 44,35 Kč bez DPH

Vysoce kvalitní lososové a sleďové maso s hráškem a brusinkami

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Kangaroo with Cranberries 400 g

Farm Fresh – Kangaroo with Cranberries 400 g
Více variant
85 Kč 73,91 Kč bez DPH

Klokan s brusinkami

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Kangaroo with Cranberries 800 g

Farm Fresh – Kangaroo with Cranberries  800 g
Více variant
140 Kč 121,74 Kč bez DPH

Klokan s brusinkami

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Turkey with Carrot 400 g

Farm Fresh – Turkey with Carrot 400 g
72 Kč 62,61 Kč bez DPH

Krůta s mrkví

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Turkey with Carrot 800 g

Farm Fresh – Turkey with Carrot 800 g
Více variant
132 Kč 114,78 Kč bez DPH

Krůta s mrkví

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Sheep with Sweet Potatoes 400g

Farm Fresh – Sheep with Sweet Potatoes 400g
53 Kč 46,09 Kč bez DPH

Ovce se sladkými brambory

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Sheep with Sweet Potatoes 800 g

Farm Fresh – Sheep with Sweet Potatoes 800 g
Více variant
81 Kč 70,43 Kč bez DPH

Ovce se sladkými brambory

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Horse with Carrot 800 g

Farm Fresh – Horse with Carrot 800 g
Více variant
104 Kč 90,43 Kč bez DPH

Konina s mrkví

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Chicken & Salmon with Potatoes 400 g

Farm Fresh – Chicken & Salmon with Potatoes 400 g
55 Kč 47,83 Kč bez DPH

Kuře a losos s brambory

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Chicken & Salmon with Potatoes 800 g

Farm Fresh – Chicken & Salmon with Potatoes 800 g
Více variant
86 Kč 74,78 Kč bez DPH

Kuře a losos s brambory

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Calf with Sweet Potatoes 400 g

Farm Fresh – Calf with Sweet Potatoes 400 g
Více variant
55 Kč 47,83 Kč bez DPH

Telecí se sladkými brambory

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Calf with Sweet Potatoes 800 g

Farm Fresh – Calf with Sweet Potatoes 800 g
Více variant
87 Kč 75,65 Kč bez DPH

Telecí se sladkými brambory

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Venison & Rabbit with Sweet Potatoes 400g

Farm Fresh – Venison & Rabbit with Sweet Potatoes 400g
Více variant
62 Kč 53,91 Kč bez DPH

Zvěřina a králík se sladkými brambory

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Venison & Rabbit with Sweet Potatoes 800g

Farm Fresh – Venison & Rabbit with Sweet Potatoes 800g
Více variant
101 Kč 87,83 Kč bez DPH

Zvěřina a králík se sladkými brambory

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Chicken & Herring with Cranberries 800 g

Farm Fresh – Chicken & Herring with Cranberries 800 g
86 Kč 74,78 Kč bez DPH

Kuře a sleď s brusinkami

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh – Chicken & Herring with Cranberries 400 g

Farm Fresh – Chicken & Herring with Cranberries 400 g
Více variant
55 Kč 47,83 Kč bez DPH

Kuře a sleď s brusinkami

Vložit do košíku

Farm Fresh - VENISON & plums with potatoes 400 g

Farm Fresh - VENISON & plums with potatoes 400 g
70 Kč 60,87 Kč bez DPH

Zvěřina a švestka se sladkými brambory

Vložit do košíku


{{flag.title}} Doprava zdarma
+ {{gift.title}}
{{product.price | customCurrency}} {{product.priceBeforeDiscount | customCurrency}} {{calculateDiscount(product)}} {{product.priceStandard | customCurrency}} {{calculateDiscount(product)}} {{product.priceWithoutVAT | customCurrency}} bez DPH


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